In her letter to L.A. Dist. Atty. George Gascón, Jane Doe explains that her mother filed a police report regarding Haddish and Spears’ alleged crimes in Las Vegas in January 2020. She claims Las Vegas authorities passed the case along to the LAPD, which “has done nothing with this complaint.”
The letter alleges that the LAPD officer assigned to the case, Detective Eastborn, told Jane Doe’s mother that “there are children being molested present day” and that their complaint was “not a priority.”
“This matter’s breadth and complexity require your jurisdictional powers and resources to tackle and end the ... depravity committed by Haddish and Spears,” reads the letter, which was provided to The Times.
“My brother and I are prepared to speak with investigators and prosecutors from your office and provide you with irrefutable evidence that substantiates our allegations.”
Representatives for Haddish and Spears did not immediately respond Tuesday to The Times’ request for comment.
Making use of her Instagram account on Monday, September 5, the comedian and actress issued a statement that read, "I know people have a bunch of questions. I get it. I'm right there with you." She added, "Unfortunately because there is an ongoing legal case, there's very little that I can say right now."
Tiffany further stated that "clearly, while this sketch was intended to be comedic, it wasn't funny at all." I deeply regret having agreed to act in it, I really look forward to being able to share a lot more about this situation as soon as I can."